Wednesday, 29 January 2014

Email to Plan B

To Plan B,

For media me and my class have been watching and analysing your movie and the promotion you done around it such as your music videos. Personally I loved the movie and it was an eye opener and sort of made me grateful for what I have in life. Before you even made the movie I had been a fan of your music. I loved your lyrics and the narration you did over the Ill Manors movie. I think you’re an underrated artist and that you can go far not just in the music scene in the movie scene to. We were wondering as a class if you could come into our school one day and come talk to us about the movie as well as other stuff. It would benefit us in a way that we would be learning more about you and how and why you decided to make the movie and also I would love to meet you as you are a big artist in the rap game.

Thanks Manraj

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