Title – From the Doctor who front cover we can see that the title ‘Doctor
Who’ is clearly visible at the top of the magazine cover. This is so it is easy
and clear to see, the title also links in with Doctor Who as in it is like a
sort of theme font that you would only notice when you see Doctor Who. A part
of the Doctor Who sign is covered by one of the Doctor Who’s which shows
flexibility and a sense of recognition on the part of the loyal audience.
Slogan – A slogan is something which
is short and catchy which can also be a phrase and is used to sum up the
magazines image and stick in the readers mind. On this Doctor Who front cover
we can see the slogan is ‘The day of the Doctor’. This gives you an indication
of what you will be going to read in the magazine as there are three different
doctors on the cover this links with it.
Central image – Most magazines employ a strong central image however in
this case there are three different individuals but one is at the centre of all
of them, which may show he has the most power out of all of them. As you can
see all three of doctors are looking straight at us as if they are wanting us
to buy the magazine themselves sort of like drawing us in.
Cover lines – When the cover is shown by the central image you would see
text around to advertise the contents of the magazine. These also link with the
cover image and have a meaning to why they are said. One of them in this front
cover would be ‘The doctors past comes back to haunt him’ this links in with
the central image as the main doctor who is in the middle is surrounded by the
other two doctors and they are most likely the past.
Free offer – Some magazines came with small gifts and promotions, short
messages would alert the reader. The gifts are closely targeted to those who
are the magazines core consumers. On this front cover it says 12 anniversary art
cards, 9 downloads of Doctor Who adventures and you could win blu ray, DVD’s,
CD’s and books which all add to the promotion of the magazine.
Colour scheme – In most magazines there tends to be a limited colour
scheme so it doesn’t look so confusing. Certain colours are used to try and
portray a certain vibe. In this front cover there are mainly darker colours and
no bright colours and this links in with the main image as they are not smiling
because if they were smiling and the colour of the magazine was bright like a
sort of yellow it wouldn’t link and would therefore confuse the potential
Name checks – Name checks on the front cover act as a clear indicator of
the cultural territory this where the magazine focuses on something in which
those consumers can link to. So for e.g. on this certain front cover it says
inside and shows tardises which is something if you watch Doctor Who would
understand and draws the viewers in.
Language – The language on the front cover would also be significant, it
would be snappy and efficient this is so because readers would read the front
covers at a very short time possible and wouldn’t want to see a whole lot of
writing. So the language used on the front cover would have to be sort of USP’s
to try and draw the readers in. Also using jargon on that certain magazine
would help. The writing on the Doctor Who cover is bald and stands out also
most of the language is short and snappy and there are not many words on the
front cover as there is.
Bar code, date and price – For straightforward commercial selling
purposes there as to be these three things on the front cover. The pricing and
barcode are seen on the Doctor Who front cover at the near bottom left of the
magazine and is visible for everyone to see.
The ‘real’ target audience – It is not uncommon for magazines to target
an audience that might not immediately target that audience. For e.g. a
magazine may officially target 17 year olds but 13-14 year olds could still
read them. In this case for Doctor Who I believe it would target a whole wide
audience. This is due that it comes on at BBC1 on Saturdays and also on prime
time showings on TV, so as a result would target families, teenagers, adults
and even elderly people. However I believe the magazine would target a much
younger audience due to the fact it is a magazine and older ages may not want
to read magazines and would rather read newspapers.
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