How can you link this news article to the hypodermic needle theory?
I can link this article to the hypodermic theory has these types of violent games can send a message across to the the game players sort of like injecting them with information which they should take in to the real world. The message would then be accepted by the game players and they believe they could do these actions in real life. It is sort of like taking over your mind and hypnotizing you in to doing what they want. You could even say game players are helpless whilst absorbing all of the violence and basically believe anything they see. This could relate to me but in a less severe way as I play a lot of FIFA therefore after I finish playing I really feel like playing football which could relate to people who play these fighting games would feel like to have a fight with someone.
How can you link Jamal Edwards to the two-step flow model?
The two step flow model could link to Jamal Edwards has he became big by himself and had no support at the time. His story says he just started with a camera and filming his mates. He then became really big and got his big break and now has his own broadcasting company which is very popular 'SBTV'. The way in which he relates to the two step flow model is that he is one of the opinion leaders of mass media out there right now which is the first step. The second step is where opinion leaders pass on their own interpretation which is what Jamal is doing and who they influence, in the article he makes it clear that he tries to influence 13-30 year olds and with this he tries to help singers and rappers become big, he does this by getting his opinion cross on trying to stay grounded and work hard.
Uses and gratifications theory
I believe that I'm a celebrity get me out of here relates to diversion has it I personally believe it lets you escape from your every day life and problems it includes. I say this as firstly it comes on at a late time so it is on when everyone is at home and lets you 'cool' down after a long day at work or school. It is also entertainment as it includes 'bush tucker trials' where you see celebrities undergo difficult tasks which include animals in it. This could be seen has pleasure for the viewers as these celebrities are now not in their comfort zone and obviously it is funny which helps you relieve the everyday stresses that you have.
Personal relationships
I believe that a character such as Michael Moon from Eastenders can relate to personal relationships. I say this because I myself felt a certain type of liking towards Michael Moon and would only watch the soap for him as I found him to be an interesting and manipulative character. I wouldn't say I had an emotional attachment to him but I would say I liked him as an actor as he was different and unique to everyone else. Like he wasn't the usual typical character you would see on a soap, he was evil but you could see why people would have affection towards him as he was interesting. He also didn't have the best of lives before he died so some people could relate to him with this as they would feel the same about their lives.
Personal Identity
I believe that Top Boy could relate to personal identity. I believe this because it is like teaching us a way of how different types of people live. Obviously this type of living was through gangs and living the more risky way of life e.g. selling drugs. It shows us the behaviour and values of different the way they live and seeing if we could fit in the way they live. You would say that it is not the easiest way of living and that they do not live in the best parts of the country and through this we can learn about how tough life is for them and whether us ourselves could live the life they are living.
I believe that BBC Sport could relate to surveillance for myself. I believe that BBC Sport could relate to me myself has sport is something that is in my every day life and it shows me information in which I would want to know about. I go on BBC Sport to check the latest and main stories that are happening especially in football has these are my main interests. So I believe for myself not for everyone just myself this gives me information that is useful for living as Sport is something heavily involved in my life and something in which I would like to pursuit further on in my life and for personally it is important to know the main stories that happen daily in Sport and BBC Sport would help me achieve this.
1) I myself primarily use the media for entertainment and information. I use it for entertainment with social networking sites such as Twitter, Instagram and Facebook. I know believe these social networking sites play an important role in my life, I also believe that it overlaps with information as on Twitter you have a trending page and you get to see the main stories and this helps me see what is happening around the world such as if anything drastic has happened so it is sort of like the news for me by giving me information and as it is on Twitter it allows me to see different peoples opinions and views on the stuff happening in the world. I also use media for information as it would help me in every day life such as work if I find something I am stuck on I would check the internet or even to see what I have done for work is right or not or even just everyday life such as checking the weather or sports.
2) I do feel dependent on the media. This is because nowadays my phone plays an important role in my life and when I am checking my phone I am checking social networking sites and also going on Whatsapp to interact with different people. So media is a way of interacting with different people also which I believe I am now getting more and more dependent on. However you could also say that you are not that dependent on the media as before I have broken my phone and have gone a couple of days without going on my phone and as the days went by I got more used to it, but I would say I am dependent on media.
3) Yes, I believe our dependence on the Media has changed over the past 10 years. I believe this because of the ever changing technology, from iPhone's to tablets. Media such as this now plays an important role in our everyday lives. Our school Greenford even realises this this due to the fact they now hand out tablets to every student in our school. You wouldn't have got this privilege 10 years ago. You could also say I myself wasn't dependent on Media 10 years ago has I was only 7 so I wouldn't have known what to have done with technology at that time and would have rather have asked my parents instead of going on the internet and also the fact that 10 years ago technology wasn't as good. However if you ask this question to 7 year olds now in 10 years time their answers would be different as I have seen 7 year olds who can access iPod's easily and play with them which shows they are already becoming dependent on technology and the media.